Aluminium Windows: Durable, Stylish and Sustainable

Aluminium windows are an excellent choice if you’re looking for something a little different. Tough, durable and stylish, they tick many boxes, but are they right for you?

Here’s our guide to the fine qualities of aluminium window frames.

Aluminium Windows

Robust and Long Lasting

Aluminium frames are exceptionally strong so they’re ideal for bigger windows. They don’t need reinforcing and their superior strength allows for slimmer frames than timber or uPVC. If you’re going for a dramatic picture window, aluminium is the obvious choice.

Aluminium works just as well in smaller windows as well, and it’s exceptionally weather resistant. It won’t warp, rust or rot, whatever the weather, which is particularly handy if you live on a perpetually damp island!  Its exceptional strength and durability mean your aluminium frames will last a lifetime.

Reassuringly Secure

When paired with top-quality glass (or even toughened or laminated glass for extra strength), aluminium windows are extraordinarily hard to break. Potential intruders are unlikely to get far with that combination, and further measures such as multi-point locks will set the seal on your home protection – peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

Excellent Energy Efficiency

You may assume metal frames offer poor insulation, but this isn’t so. Aluminium frames incorporate insulating material (thermal breaks) within the frame, which drastically reduces heat transfer. Your home remains warm and cosy in winter and cool in summer – great for your comfort and energy consumption.

Thermal breaks also improve the strength of the frame and keep away condensation – particularly handy in kitchens and bathrooms where humidity is highest. Indeed, thermal breaks ensure extremely high levels of insulation in all parts of the house.

Versatile and Stylish

The slim sightlines of aluminium frames give your windows a subtly distinctive appearance, which complements modern properties very well. It also works well for older homes – perfect for a stunning combination of timeless elegance and modern style. Aluminium is also very malleable, so it can easily be made into numerous shapes and sizes.

Powder Coating: Numerous Colours

Aluminium frames are highly customisable. They’re coated with polyester powder, which comes in numerous colours – around 200. You have the option of matt, gloss or a satin finish and even a metallic look if you fancy. You can have different colours inside and out, textured finishes and even wood effects.

Powder coating provides a thicker layer of paint than standard spray paint. This enhances aluminium’s resilience against the elements and results in richer, more vibrant colours. It even protects against the salt air of coastal areas – the perfect choice for your Devon home.

Easy to Maintain

The combination of powder coating and tough aluminium gives you sturdy and beautiful frames that only need an occasional wipe-over with warm water and mild soap. They won’t discolour or corrode and need no special treatments or oils to keep them in good shape.

Environmentally Friendly

Aluminium is completely recyclable – a process needing little energy. This can be done numerous times so it never wears out and can always be repurposed. Indeed, around 75% of all aluminium globally is recycled.

Its superior strength and exceptional durability help aluminium to last almost forever – 40 to 60 years at the very least! This keeps its carbon footprint to a minimum and its energy efficient qualities keep your heating bills under control.

Expert Advice and Top Quality Windows in Devon

Find out if aluminium windows are the best choice for you. Our experienced team will guide you through the whole process.

Call The Window Centre today.

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